Description of GTS

Background Informations

There is now an almost unmanageable number of traffic light and other graphically based systems to evaluate and label food. With the "Gastronomic Traffic Light System" (GAS), which was developed at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, recipes in the gastronomic field can be evaluated easily and reliably. The system serves the guest as well as the cook, who quickly knows how to optimize his recipes with GAS.

Long version of GTS

Peinelt: Gastronomic Traffic light System (GTS) - Long version
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 3.1 MB

Output qualities

The initial or primary qualities of the various food groups are displayed here. Fruit and vegetables are at the top of the list. This assessment shows that a wide range of food should be consumed.

Goals of GAS

The measures used to evaluate the meals, dishes or menus are balanced in such a way that an essentially comparable evaluation to that of a NC is possible. Validations have shown this.